Indiana Department of Homeland Security / Fire and Building Safety Division

2020-21 version


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Record Created Date: 03/21/2017
* facility ID:
* facility name:
* facility street number:
* facility street prefix:
* facility street name:
* facility street suffix:
facility address2:
* facility city:
* facility county:
facility state: IN
* facility zip:
* facility contact:
* facility telephone:
* facility Email:
Foundation/Footer status:
Concrete Slab status:
Framing Status:
Plumbing status:
Mechanical status:
Electrical status:
Energy status:
Sprinkler status:
alarm status:
sensitivity current :
Interior status:
Pool status:
Egress status:
Suppression status:
temporary indoor stage:
temporary outdoor stage:
outdoor stage equipment :
tent :
ust installation:
ust removal:
project Type(select ll that apply): New: Addition: Remodel: Occ.Change: Existing:
inspection Category:
inspection type:
inspection status:
inspection Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)Pick a date
violation to be corrected by Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)Pick a date
* inspector:
Facility Match?: (Type in Facility Matched, when you match a complaint inspection with facility.)
[view & print annual permit] [Email permit]
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Sec. 315.3.3 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Combustible material shall not be stored in boiler rooms, mechanical rooms or electrical equipment rooms. 
Remove all combustibles stored in basement mechanical room. (left over used plumbing and building materials)  

Sec. 703.1.3 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Required fire walls, fire barriers and fire partitions shall be maintained to prevent the passage of fire. All openings protected with approved doors or fire dampers shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 80. 
Replace all missing basement ceiling drywall removed for plumbing repairs. (Drywall repairs must be 5/8 type X drywall taped and mudded.) 

2012 Edition IPC 675 IAC 16-1.4 
1002.3 Prohibited traps. The following types of traps are prohibited: 1. Traps that depend on moving parts to maintain the seal. 2. Bell traps. 3. Crown-vented traps. 4. Traps not integral with a fixture and that depend on interior partitions for the seal, except those traps constructed of an approved material that is resistant to corrosion and degradation. 5. ¿S¿ traps. 6. Drum traps. Exception: Drum traps used as solids interceptors and drum traps serving chemical waste systems shall not be prohibited.  
Replace illegal plumbing trap to floor sink with properly vented trap. 

Sec. 605.6 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Open junction boxes and open-wiring splices shall be prohibited. Approved covers shall be provided for all switch and electrical outlet boxes. 
Replace missing outlet cover at bar for mug lights. 

Sec. 605.3.1 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Doors into electrical control panel rooms shall be marked with a plainly visible and legible sign stating ELECTRICAL ROOM or similar approved wording. The disconnecting means for each service, feeder or branch circuit originating on a switchboard or panelboard shall be legibly and durably marked to indicate its purpose unless such purpose is clearly evident. 
All electrical breakers in basement electrical distribution panel shall be labeled. 

Sec. 605.5 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Extension cords and flexible cords shall not be a substitute for permanent wiring. Extension cords and flexible cords shall not be affixed to structures, extended through walls, ceilings or floors, or under doors or floor coverings, nor shall such cords be subject to environmental damage or physical impact. Extension cords shall be used only with portable appliances. 
Remove extension cords at bar mug lights. Use power strip to extend permanent outlet. 

Sec. 605.3 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
A working space of not less than 30 inches (762 mm) in width, 36 inches (914 mm) in depth and 78 inches (1,981 mm) in height shall be provided in front of electrical service equipment. Where the electrical service equipment is wider than 30 inches (762 mm), the working space shall be not less than the width of the equipment. No storage of any materials shall be located within the designated working space. Exceptions: 1. Where other dimensions are required or allowed by NFPA 70. 2. Access openings into attic or underfloor areas, which provide a minimum clear opening of 20 inches (509 mm) by 40 inches (1,016 mm). 
Maintain required clearances.  