Indiana Department of Homeland Security / Fire and Building Safety Division

2020-21 version


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Record Created Date: 09/19/2016
* facility ID:
* facility name:
* facility street number:
* facility street prefix:
* facility street name:
* facility street suffix:
facility address2:
* facility city:
* facility county:
facility state: IN
* facility zip:
* facility contact:
* facility telephone:
* facility Email:
Foundation/Footer status:
Concrete Slab status:
Framing Status:
Plumbing status:
Mechanical status:
Electrical status:
Energy status:
Sprinkler status:
alarm status:
sensitivity current :
Interior status:
Pool status:
Egress status:
Suppression status:
temporary indoor stage:
temporary outdoor stage:
outdoor stage equipment :
tent :
ust installation:
ust removal:
project Type(select ll that apply): New: Addition: Remodel: Occ.Change: Existing:
inspection Category:
inspection type:
inspection status:
inspection Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)Pick a date
violation to be corrected by Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)Pick a date
* inspector:
Facility Match?: (Type in Facility Matched, when you match a complaint inspection with facility.)
[view & print annual permit] [Email permit]
print order code description remarks violation to be corrected by date violation complied date

Sec. 609.3.3.1 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Hoods, grease-removal devices, fans, ducts and other appurtenances shall be inspected at intervals specified in Table 609.3.3.1 or as approved by the fire code official. Inspections shall be completed by qualified individuals. 
The kitchen hood is past due for a semi-annual inspection. 

Sec. 604.2.14.3 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Exit signs, exit illumination as required by Chapter 10, electrically powered fire pumps required to maintain pressure, and elevator car lighting are classified as emergency systems and shall operate within 10 seconds of failure of the normal power supply and shall be capable of being transferred to the standby source. Exception: Exit sign, exit and means of egress illumination are permitted to be powered by a standby source in buildings of Group F and S occupancies. 
There are several emergency lights that are not working. These lights shall be repaired or replaced. 

Sec. 605.6 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Open junction boxes and open-wiring splices shall be prohibited. Approved covers shall be provided for all switch and electrical outlet boxes. 
There is an outlet in the back of the Café area that is missing a cover. 

Sec. 405.2 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Required emergency evacuation drills shall be held at the intervals specified in Table 405.2 or more frequently where necessary to familiarize all occupants with the drill procedure. 
Documentation of quarterly drills, for the staff, shall be provided for the inspector's review. 

IC 22-14-3-5 
Operation without permit or special event endorsement; infraction Sec. 5. (a) This section applies to the following: (1) Each person who has control over the performance of an amusement or entertainment described in IC 22-12-1-23. (2) Each person who has control over a regulated place of entertainment. (b) A person described in subsection (a) commits a Class C infraction if: (1) a regulated place of amusement or entertainment is used for an amusement or entertainment described in IC 22-12-1-23; and (2) no regulated place of amusement or entertainment permit or special event endorsement issued under this chapter covers the conditions at the regulated place of amusement or entertainment that affect fire and explosion safety.  
Facility shall apply for an annual AE Permit. When renewing permit use AE29982 and change name to Bowl 32. 

Sec. 406.2 2014 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.5 
Employees shall receive training in the contents of fire safety and evacuation plans and their duties as part of new employee orientation and at least annually thereafter. Records shall be kept and made available to the fire code official upon request. 
Documentation of current training shall be provided for the inspector's review. 