Indiana Department of Homeland Security / Fire and Building Safety Division

2020-21 version


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Record Created Date: 04/23/2013
* facility ID:
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* facility street number:
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* facility street name:
* facility street suffix:
facility address2:
* facility city:
* facility county:
facility state: IN
* facility zip:
* facility contact:
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* facility Email:
Foundation/Footer status:
Concrete Slab status:
Framing Status:
Plumbing status:
Mechanical status:
Electrical status:
Energy status:
Sprinkler status:
alarm status:
sensitivity current :
Interior status:
Pool status:
Egress status:
Suppression status:
temporary indoor stage:
temporary outdoor stage:
outdoor stage equipment :
tent :
ust installation:
ust removal:
project Type(select ll that apply): New: Addition: Remodel: Occ.Change: Existing:
inspection Category:
inspection type:
inspection status:
inspection Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)Pick a date
violation to be corrected by Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)Pick a date
* inspector:
Facility Match?: (Type in Facility Matched, when you match a complaint inspection with facility.)
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Sec. 1027.5 2008 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.4 
The power supply for means of egress illumination shall normally be provided by the premises' electrical supply. In the event of power supply failure, illumination shall be automatically provided from an emergency system for the following occupancies where such occupancies require two or more means of egress: 1. Group A having 50 or more occupants. Exception: Assembly occupancies used exclusively as a place of worship and having an occupant load of less than 300. 2. Group B buildings three or more stories in height, buildings with 100 or more occupants above or below the level of exit discharge, or buildings with 1,000 or more total occupants. 3. Group E in interior stairs, corridors, windowless areas with student occupancy, shops and laboratories. 4. Group F having more than 100 occupants. Exception: Buildings used only during daylight hours which are provided with windows for natural light in accordance with the International Building Code. 5. Group I. 6. Group M. Exception: Buildings less than 3,000 square feet (279 m2) in gross sales area on one story only, excluding mezzanines. 7. Group R-1. Exception: Where each sleeping unit has direct access to the outside of the building at grade. 8. Group R-2. Exception: Where each dwelling unit or sleeping unit has direct access to the outside of the building at grade. 9. Group R-4. Exception: Where each sleeping unit has direct access to the outside of the building at ground level. The emergency power system shall provide power for not less than 60 minutes and consist of storage batteries, unit equipment or an on-site generator. The installation of the emergency power system shall be in accordance with Section 604.  
Exit signs at the S.W. exit from main room and S.E. exit from the exterior room battery backup system not working. Repair as needed. 

Sec. 1028.2 2008 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.4  
Required exit accesses, exits or exit discharges shall be continuously maintained free from obstructions or impediments to full instant use in the case of fire or other emergency when the areas served by such exits are occupied. Security devices affecting means of egress shall be approved by the fire code official. 
No storage allowed in the exit ways. Chalk board and stand found in S.E. exit way 

Sec. 605.1 2008 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.4 
Identified electrical hazards shall be abated. Identified hazardous electrical conditions in permanent wiring shall be brought to the attention of the code official responsible for enforcement of the ICC Electrical Code. Electrical wiring, devices, appliances and other equipment that is modified or damaged and constitutes an electrical shock or fire hazard shall not be used. 
1. Stage prep room on the south side of the stage has a broken receptacle, located just to the left of the double doors. Replace. 2. Outside of building where the Merchants tent usually sets, the 200 amp breaker box there has wiring coming out the bottom of the box to feed other circuits. Where it comes out of the box there is no protection to the sharp edges of the box. Install a correct electrical clamp to keep wire from moving. 

Sec. 904.11.5.2 2008 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.4 
When hazard areas include deep fat fryers, listed Class K portable fire extinguishers shall be provided as follows: 1. For up to four fryers having a maximum cooking medium capacity of 80 pounds (36.3 kg) each: One Class K portable fire extinguisher of a minimum 1.5 gallon ( 6 L) capacity. 2. For every additional group of four fryers having a maximum cooking medium capacity of 80 pounds (36.3 kg) each: One additional Class K portable fire extinguisher of a minimum 1.5 gallon (6 L) capacity shall be provided. 3. For individual fryers exceeding 6 square feet (0.55 m2) in surface area: Class K portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with the extinguisher manufacturer's recommendations. 
Hang Class "K" extinguisher for kitchen use. 

Sec. 904.11.6.4 2008 Edition IFC 675 IAC 22-2.4  
Automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be serviced at least every 6 months and after activation of the system. Inspection shall be by qualified individuals, and a certificate of inspection shall be forwarded to the fire code official upon completion. 
Hood Fire Extinguishing System is past semi-annual inspection time. Inspect as soon as possible. 